We're excited to announce that Professor Marcin Barburski has been nominated for the esteemed "Symbol Naukowca Roku 2024" (Scientist of the Year 2024) award🏆🔬 in a nationwide program conducted by "Monitor Biznesu," an independent supplement to "Rzeczpospolita," "Monitor Rynkowy," an independent supplement to "Dziennik Gazety Prawnej," and "Puls Biznesu."
Professor Marcin Barburski was nominated for this award for the implementation of the project “Sustainable Industrial Design of Textile Structures for the Composites.”
As we eagerly await the award results, we warmly congratulate Professor Marcin Barburski for the nomination. Your dedication and passion for your work have earned you this well-deserved nomination. We are confident that your ongoing commitment to excellence will inspire others in your field.