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WP 6

The main goal of this work package is strengthening TUL research management, administrative skills and building the necessary capacity to allow successful participation in R&I projects.


Lead Beneficiary: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)

Duration: December 2022 to May 2025


Task 6.1. Strengthening TUL research management marathon. (Month 5 – Month 30)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


There will be a one-day (4 hours) roundtable discussion between the TUL vice-deans responsible for research (9 persons) and the representatives of each advanced partner institutes for experience exchange in May 2023.


Four workshops in the area of research management and administration will be organized between Month 13 and Month 16 . Each advanced partner will organize one workshop for Science Department of Lodz University of Technology.


Preparation of the Guidelines on Research Management and Administration for TUL and the Guidelines for the Gender Equality Plan Advancement (Month 17 – Month 25). The Guidelines will be created in English and translated by TUL in Polish. They will be published as an electronic material and uploaded to the project website.


The International Conference “Strengthening research management and administration: experience and prospects” (Month 30). The Conference will be conducted in Lodz (Poland) with an opportunity to conduct it in a remote mode in a case of any epidemic restrictions. It will be a 2-day event in the TUL premises for 100 persons. (March 2025).



Task 6.2. Strengthening TUL necessary capacity to allow successful participation in R&I projects. (Month 3 – Month 7, Month 15 – Month 19, Month 24 – Month 32)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


Two roundtables (3-hour events; in a form of video conferences) will be organized on Horizon Europe and other international research project preparation, and on international projects management/administration. The meeting will be conducted in a remote mode with participation of University of Zaragoza, RWTH Aachen university, and University of Boras project leaders, project offices’ employees and administrative managers of the scientific activities. The roundtables will be conducted in February 2023 and  February 2024.


Three workshops (3-hour events; in a form of video conferences), conducted by each partner HEI in turn - UZ, ITA and HB – on the features and tips of proposal preparation and management/administration of international research projects in textile and composite fields in Month 5 and Month 7.



Task 6.3. Joint summer school “Personal skills for the excellence in science” for Early-Stage Researchers of Lodz University of Technology (Month 15 – Month 24)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


Thirty, Early-Stage Researchers of Lodz University of Technology will be trained by the main researchers from Lodz University of Technology, University of Boras, RWTH Aachen University, and University of Zaragoza, and practitioners from Wademekum. The training topics are:


Acquaintance with techniques and practical skills needed for self-presentation, interpersonal communication and general social skills (Wademekum).


Gaining knowledge and skills related to the preparation of project proposals (University of Boras)


Obtaining knowledge and intensifying practical skills in the field of international patent protection (RWTH Aachen University).


Course of circular economy of product (University of Boras).

Creation of the Joint Research and Innovation Road Map as a
pivoting component of the project results sustainability.



connected with WP2 and WP4


Sustainable development aspects in
production of innovative Textile
Reinforcement Composites: CA measures.



connected with WP1, WP3, WP5, WP6 and WP7

Maximizing the TUL research visibility and outreach:
dissemination, exploitation and communication.



connected with WP2 and WP4


Industrial design - new approach to
composite products: CA measures





connected with WP1, WP3, WP5, WP6 and WP7

Design and realization of dedicated composite reinforcements
considering the aspects of sustainable development.



connected with WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP6 

Project management and coordination.





connected with WP1-WP7


Design and processing of technical textile structures for the
reinforcement composites: CA measures.



connected with WP1, WP2, WP4 and WP5


Strengthening TUL research management, administrative
skills and building the necessary capacity to allow successful
participation in R&l projects.


connected with WP2, WP4 and WP5


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