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WP 8

Work Package 8 Leader: DSc. Marcin Barburski, prof. TUL, Lodz University of Technology

Task 8.1. Project organization and management. (M1-M36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


The organizational structure of the project management will include the following Consortium Bodies: 


The General Assembly (GA) - the strategic and ultimate decision-making body of the consortium, consisting of representatives of all the Partners.


The Project Coordinator (PC) - will be responsible for coordination and administration of the project and contact with the European Commission, administration of all legal and contractual issues, implementation of the Consortium Agreement, execution of the Grant Agreement, financial management and distribution of funds, efficient communication among the Partners, organization of the project’s meetings, the activity and financial reports.


The Management Committee (MC) - will be an executive body supporting the overall project coordination.


Research and Innovation Advisory Board (RIAB) - Coordination and/or support measures and methodology.



Task 8.2. Project internal and external communication management. Data management and Open Science management (M1-M36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology (TUL)


For excellent internal communication, e-mail distribution lists as well as a joint e-platform for documents will be created. An Intranet Communication Platform, accessible to authorized persons only, will be established on the Lodz University of Technology website. Conference calls and meetings will be used as supplementary communication tool among consortium partners. The Data, Open Science, Innovation management and Quality management rules will be established in the Project Management Book, created by Management Committee ( MC) and adopted by General Assembly (GA) at its special virtual meeting in Month 4.  



Task 8.3. Monitoring and self-assessment of the project. Peer review / panels. (Month 1-Month 36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology, all partners


Project monitoring and making technical decisions during the execution of the project will be conducted by comparing the planned milestones and deliverables with their real implementation (metrics-based reviews). Risk management will be organized according to the Critical Risks Mitigation Plan.  



Task 8.4. Administrative and financial management (M1-M36)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology, all partners


The administrative and financial management will cover: day-to-day management of the project in scope of administrative and logistics matters, transferring the advanced and further payments to the Partners in accordance with the Consortium Agreement, ensuring work progress, supervising and controlling the overall costs incurred, assistance to project Partners on specific administrative matters.  



Task 8.5. Project exploitation and follow up (M24 – M36 and beyond the project timeline)

Task Leader: Lodz University of Technology, all partners


It will be implemented via the regular development, amendment and implementation of the Joint Research and Innovation Road Map in cooperation with partner SMEs and via the support of the Industry-Research Dialog Platform including online knowledge exchange platform and survey tool of SMEs based on project webpage. Next, the results’ exploitation will be concentrated on widening of the international partners’ network and augmenting the number of joint international research projects. The project results will change the level of innovative product in Textile Reinforcement Composites (TRCs) field of the Faculty of Materials Technology and Textile Design and – respectively – the quantity and quality of the researchers’ publications and participation in international conferences and forums will change radically. To make the exploitation sustainable, from the beginning of the third year of the project implementation, the consortium will start developing the Strategic Post-Twinning Programme of Networking and Cooperation.  



Creation of the Joint Research and Innovation Road Map as a
pivoting component of the project results sustainability.



connected with WP2 and WP4


Sustainable development aspects in
production of innovative Textile
Reinforcement Composites: CA measures.



connected with WP1, WP3, WP5, WP6 and WP7

Maximizing the TUL research visibility and outreach:
dissemination, exploitation and communication.



connected with WP2 and WP4


Industrial design - new approach to
composite products: CA measures





connected with WP1, WP3, WP5, WP6 and WP7

Design and realization of dedicated composite reinforcements
considering the aspects of sustainable development.



connected with WP2, WP3, WP4 and WP6 

Project management and coordination.





connected with WP1-WP7


Design and processing of technical textile structures for the
reinforcement composites: CA measures.



connected with WP1, WP2, WP4 and WP5


Strengthening TUL research management, administrative
skills and building the necessary capacity to allow successful
participation in R&l projects.


connected with WP2, WP4 and WP5


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